22 October 2020
My topic is an explanatory piece that argues how unfreedoms in special education exclude disabled people from employment opportunities and the economy. My central research question is: Does educational exclusion have a negative impact on a disabled person’s employment? This topic is explanatory because explanatory questions seek casual or correlative relationships. I am arguing that there is a relationship between a country’s development and opportunities for disabled people. Furthermore, I am exploring how educational opportunities affect disabled people, the causes of unemployment for disabled people, and the economy’s loss due to the unemployment of this portion of the population.
The subtopics of my central research question investigate more specific ideas. In Southeast Asia, are disabled people offered adequate educational opportunities to help them become reasonably self-sufficient and able? Is the nature of the economy in Southeast Asia less conducive to employing disabled people? This is a comparative puzzle because I am noting the differences between opportunities for dissabled people in different economic regions, such as the United States and Southeast Asia. While my focus is on how Southeast Asian industries are not conducive to the abilities of most disabled people, I will contextualize this argument by juxtaposing the industries of Southeast Asia with leading industries in the United States.